Open Gym
Sign-ups: You must sign up 24 hours in advance for Open Gyms. If you sign up last minute and no one else has signed up for that slot, we might not be able to staff a moderator on time. Thank you for your understanding.
Cancellations: If you cancel an open gym within 48 hours of the open gym running your account will be credited in full. Contact for cancellations.
Open GYM Rules
All participants must sign a waiver and release of liability, acknowledgement and assumption of risk form. Minor participants must have a parent or legal guardian sign the same form. Participants must be ages 15 and up.
High-impact safety matting must be used for any skill practiced or performed off the ground. A minimum size of 6’ x 6’ x 8” landing mat is required when participants are being actively spotted or the participant is above the spotter’s shoulders.
Unsupervised practice is strictly forbidden. Trained aerial acrobatics instructors must be onsite and actively supervising participants during open gym periods.
The use of recreational and/or illegal drugs, alcohol or controlled substances is strictly prohibited at all times
during aerial acrobatics activities.
Participants are not allowed under any circumstance to teach other participants or anyone else any aerial acrobatics movement, pose, sequence, skill, etc. This is known as skill- trading or skill-sharing and is strictly prohibited.
Proper attire must be worn while participating in aerial acrobatics activities:
a. All jewelry and watches must be removed.
b. Piercings must be removed or covered with tape.
c. Hair that is long enough to swing in front of the face must be secured back.
d. Clothing must be form fitting and must cover the participant’s back, abdomen and area behind the knees.
e. Clothing cannot have zippers or buckles.